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The Strategist - TopGain Diagnostic Tool

The Strategist, our proprietary strategy diagnostic tool, is the only tool that is designed especially for promoter run businesses. In less than 30 items, it allows a detailed report on the strategic direction that the organisation should take, with the ability to prioritise action items.


This instrument is personalized and benchmarked against best practices. The items have been carefully selected after reviewing over 500 factors that are relevant and important to corporate strategy.


The tool is facilitated by an experienced facilitator.


With this report, you will be able to identify the areas of importance in your business and create actionables.

This tool and the strategy advisory is being offered at no charge for a very limited time.


If you are:

A. A promoter or founder running your own business.

B. Looking to grow your business in atleast the medium term (3-5 years)

C. Looking to understand how technology can help take your business to the next level


Please help us set up a time with you for the diagnostic. The Diagnostic meeting takes between 90 to 120 minutes with you and your Leadership team.


After the diagnostic is done, we will present a report and also share a non-redistributable copy of the report with you. There is no marketing pitch and no fine print.


The free diagnostic is available ONCE for each business.


Kindly provide us with the information requested below to get started :

Thank You ! We will get in touch with you shortly.

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